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Beyond Aesthetics: Exploring the Emotional Influence of Interior Colours

Colour Samples

Have you ever wondered why certain spaces are styled and coloured in specific ways? For example, why do spas often use shades of green, and why do many fast-food restaurants incorporate red into their designs? The answer lies in the psychological influence of colours.  

Designing a space entails carefully considering various factors, including lighting, spatial dynamics, and, notably, the pivotal role of colour. A profound understanding of colour theory is indispensable for achieving harmonious and balanced interiors. Designers adeptly utilize the colour wheel to select complementary or monochromatic hues, ensuring a cohesive aesthetic that seamlessly integrates disparate elements.  

Scientific research has shown that colour profoundly impacts our mental and emotional health, influencing our mood and thoughts. Colours not only enhance aesthetics but also have the power to shape our emotional states.  

Here’s a helpful guide to understanding the mental impact of various colours:  

Red Wall Feature

Red is a powerful colour that evokes strong feelings and energizes spaces. It can inspire love, passion, or anger. Softer shades of red create a warm and confident atmosphere, while brighter shades make us feel bold and energized. In restaurants, red stimulates appetite and excitement, making us eat faster, which is why many fast-food establishments use it. Red isn’t just a colour; it brings excitement and energy wherever it goes. 

Orange Bedroom

Orange brings excitement, joy, and a sense of abundance. It is like a burst of energy, making you feel enthusiastic and lively. Some believe it even helps increase oxygen supply to the brain, enhancing vitality. Orange is perfect for social spaces like living rooms because it adds warmth and encourages conversation. Orange is ideal if you want to create a cheerful and welcoming vibe.  

Green Living Room

Green, a colour associated with balance, serenity, and joy, can boost your mood through its natural connections. It symbolizes harmony, love, inner peace, wisdom, and hope. Its restorative essence can inspire productivity and creativity, making it an ideal choice for spaces that require focus. The calming aura and representation of growth make green a perfect fit for various rooms—spas, living areas, bathrooms, and offices—bringing the outdoors inside. 

Home Office, Yellow Accents

Yellow brings joy and happiness, encouraging communication and lifting spirits. Associated with intelligence and optimism, it uplifts moods and fosters tranquillity. Bright shades can be stimulating, while softer tones create a soothing ambience. Ideal for creative and positive spaces, bright yellows accentuate features, while lighter shades gracefully cover entire walls. Though suitable for bedrooms as accents, yellow works well in hallways or dark spaces needing brightening. 

Blue Kitchen

Blue is a trendy colour choice. It is calming and ideal for relaxation and meditation, helping you unwind and find peace. This colour is typically associated with wisdom, creativity, and spirituality. Light blues can aid insomnia, while too much dark blue may cause sadness. In interior design, blue reduces stress, promotes relaxation, and encourages introspection. It forms a versatile foundation for design schemes, suitable for any room.  

Purple Dining Room

Purple, like blue, brings calm and relaxation. Light shades offer hope and optimism, while deep tones convey power, strength, and ambition. Purple fosters introspection, creativity, sensitivity, and self-awareness. It is ideal for bedrooms, offices, and living rooms but is not best suited for playrooms, gyms, kitchens, or dining areas. Versatile and associated with royalty and spirituality, it complements formal dining rooms, entertainment spaces, and luxurious bedrooms, setting various moods depending on the shade.  

Warm White & Beige Living Area

White, symbolizing clarity and purity, brings calmness and comfort to kitchens, bathrooms, and bedrooms. While it fosters a sense of renewal and organization, too much white can feel sterile or harsh. Despite this, it remains versatile and timeless in interior design. To balance its dominance, incorporating contrasting elements can add depth and visual interest to the space.  

Brown Panel Kitchen Interior

Brown is a warm grounding neutral that embodies comfort and security. Its earthy tones evoke safety and blend well with vibrant colours like orange or yellow. Brown’s versatility makes it ideal for walls or entire rooms, reminding people of family and shelter. It promotes relaxation and increases tryptophan and serotonin, making it suitable for any room.  

Grey Bedroom

Grey symbolizes serenity, sophistication, and maturity in interior design. As a neutral force, it balances simplicity and modern elegance. Positioned between black and white, it cultivates a tranquil ambience. While initially appearing unassuming, grey accentuates other colours when combined. Various shades, ranging from dark and moody to light and hopeful, offer diverse atmospheres. Its subtle mood-altering effect seamlessly integrates into any space, lending effortless versatility.  

Black Dining Room

Black, linked with strength, seriousness, and mystery, can also evoke luxury, elegance, and power. Despite its boldness, it can bring comfort and security. Use black in interior design cautiously, starting with slight accents, as it can be overpowering as a wall colour. Physically, black may lower energy, induce a depressed mood, or stimulate aggression. Still, it adds depth and sophistication as a striking accent in any room.  


Colour plays a significant role in interior design, influencing not just the aesthetics of a space but also the emotions and behaviours of those within it. By understanding the psychological impacts of different colours, designers and homeowners can create appealing environments that promote well-being and harmony. Whether aiming for a vibrant, energetic atmosphere or a serene, calming retreat, the thoughtful application of colour theory can transform any space into a sanctuary tailored to its purpose.